The activities of the academic Divisions of the ICMCS are carried out within the context of the Centre’s five cardinal programs. These are the following cross-cutting programs:

Capacity Building and Lifelong Learning:

Through cutting edge undergraduate and graduate training and research, activities with impact on national development, courses, conferences, workshops and exhibitions, concrete applications, partnerships, mathematical and computer literacy, institutional management capacity building, staff development, the award of small grants and prizes to young scientists as ways of promoting quality teaching and research activities as well as rewarding excellence, and research on science and technology policy.

Information Science and Communication Technology:

Through the development of an information and communication technology backbone, library acquisitions/development (both conventional and electronic), publications and dissemination.

International Cooperation and Visiting Scientists:

Through networking, internship, exchange/linkage, lectureships, research visits, sabbaticals, short-term visits, assistantships, and fellowships.

Industrial, Business, Medicine and Engineering Application:

Through the concrete and sustained applications of the mathematical sciences, computer sciences and information technology to development issues, identification and tackling of hot topics from the industry, business and engineering, and joint research activities with the industry, business and engineering.

Gender Equity and Affirmative Action:

Through enhancing female participation and affirmative action in training, research and consultancy activities, lifelong learning for women and disadvantaged groups in the mathematical and computer sciences, role-modeling by women experts in the mathematical and computer sciences at all levels of education.
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The International Centre for Mathematical and Computer Sciences (ICMCS),
Ajoda New Town,
Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria.
Tel: +234 701 4979 461